Mississippi County and Local Bridge
Inspection/Inventory Data

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Mississippi County and Local Bridges
Mississippi Office of State Aid Road Construction
   Compiled 03/24/2025 07:28:08 AM

Number of Bridges 10478
Number of State Aid System Bridges 5245
Number of Local System Bridges 4712
Number of Municipal Bridges 1201
Number of SABP Eligible Bridges 1089
Number of LSBP Eligible Bridges 1027
Number of Posted Bridges 1740
Number of Closed Bridges 198
Number of Bridges Under Construction 70

Select County

Adams Alcorn Amite Attala
Benton Bolivar Calhoun Carroll
Chickasaw Choctaw Claiborne Clarke
Clay Coahoma Copiah Covington
Desoto Forrest Franklin George
Greene Grenada Hancock Harrison
Hinds Holmes Humphreys Issaquena
Itawamba Jackson Jasper Jefferson
Jefferson Davis Jones Kemper Lafayette
Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Leake
Lee Leflore Lincoln Lowndes
Madison Marion Marshall Monroe
Montgomery Neshoba Newton Noxubee
Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Perry
Pike Pontotoc Prentiss Quitman
Rankin Scott Sharkey Simpson
Smith Stone Sunflower Tallahatchie
Tate Tippah Tishomingo Tunica
Union Walthall Warren Washington
Wayne Webster Wilkinson Winston
Yalobusha Yazoo